2025 Track and Field
General Track & Field Info
• Track & Field in 2025 will begin on February 10th, 2025. The last day of the 2025 season will be May 31st, 2025 (the state meet is May 30-31)
• You MUST be cleared through HOME CAMPUS PRIOR to attending the first day of practice. If you are not cleared, you may be unable to participate. Here is more information on how to do that.
• Find our schedule HERE (subject to change)
Team Expectations & Commitment
• PURPOSE: Athletic achievement, specifically the achievement of personal performance improvement and team championships, is the goal of the Monte Vista program. It is not our purpose, however. Our purpose is to change the trajectory of every student-athlete’s life.
• As a result of our stated purpose, it must be said that Track & Field is a development sport, NOT a participation sport. If you are joining simply to participate, we ask that you reevaluate your reason for being here. We are trying to develop all athletes to the best of their ability and that is impossible if the athlete is not invested in the same goal.
• There are **some** event groups that are no-cut. In 2025, we have the following event groups:
o Throws (No Cut)
o Distance (No Cut)
o Sprints / Hurdles / Jumps (Cut)
o Pole Vault (No Cut)
• Cuts will be at the discretion of the head coach, with input from Assistant Coaches.
• You are expected to attend practice every day from 3:45 pm until 5:45 pm, meeting at the Monte Vista Track, or during the practice time your event coach schedules.
• You are expected to attend all competitions that your coaches enter you in.
• We plan to hold practice and have competitions EVERYDAY OVER SPRING BREAK. If you wish to participate in the following meets you are required to attend practice over spring break:
Arcadia Invitational
Sacramento Meet of Champions
NCS Tri-Valley Championships
NCS Meet of Champions
CIF State Championships
• We will have a policy for attending practice. You may miss up to 3 practices in a season, and missed practices beyond this number will result in consequences. My consequences include being held out of competitions and/or removed from the team.
• Family vacations, college visits, tutoring, dentist appointments, doctor appointments (with a few exceptions), internships, volunteering, anniversary parties, birthdate parties, etc. will count against the athlete's practice attendance rate.
• Athletes on the Monte Vista Track & Field team are not permitted to train or be coached by outside track and field, speed development, or event specific coaches during our track and field season. During the off season you may work with whoever you choose but in season this is not permitted.
• The coaching staff has sole authority over the determination of the competition lineup.
• Competitions are mostly on Saturdays and generally take the entire day.
• You must be dressed to participate in practice. Running shoes are required. Athletic clothes are required. Soccer style shorts are ok, basketball style shorts are not.
Team Communication Workflow
Athletes should communicate directly with coaches whenever possible.
We believe the ability to advocate for your needs is an important life skill and one that we are hoping to help to develop here.
All communication regarding practice and meet attendance, team policies, injuries, or other concerns should always start with a conversation between athlete and coach.
If an athlete is unable to speak directly with a coach at practice, they should email the coaches directly.